read more hereThe vision of a new
Nigeria is great for all; accept it or be gone from office! Equal
opportunity and merit must now be restored as it was before and during
the first republic. Remove discrimination and social injustice amongst
you. No part of Nigeria would again be treated as a conquered territory!
Treat all my people respectfully and equally!
Nigerian leaders have contended for long and have wasted scarce
resources for nothing. The earth is the Lord’s why do we want to control
the Nigerian people and space? A new dawn is announced in the spirit;
Strife must give way for bridge building: Tell them..
“Time of their endless contention is over.” Then I saw a new leader. A
BRIDGE builder!
Restructure or lose your place! Make Nigeria work. Let
there be equal opportunity for all citizens. The big stick is out for
politicians who would sabotage the peoples’ call for Restructuring. God
has rejected those, and Nigerians will then vote them out. It’s done.
“Have you not ignored the poor and the needy at your peril? You greedy
calf! Are you not feeding fat for the slaughter day, you that has robbed
my people of their possession and honor” (Listen Nigeria! Revelation
for the future, Feb 2002)
A former head of State Not Obasanjo is instrumental for a lasting
change; Before the man of the east who would make Nigeria very
prosperous comes, I saw a man from Mid Nigeria ushered in to build up a l saw a man from Mid Nigeria ushered in to build up a long abandoned BRIDGE. The bridge would connect people again over vast gullies of eroded land. Need for Bridges to connect people to people, regions to regions, no Nigerian peoples were to be left out. God hates robbery. A meeting was called, behold I saw a popular former head of state, and the anointed new leader from over where Yakubu hails. They were all in this great meeting and the former leader was given the head Chair. He was immediately cleared to preside over the rest of the meeting. Restructuring won the 2019 election. It is the issue of the time, the one thing God used to pacify all crying Nigerians. All Nigerians were happy together to see a new restructured nation! Please, Nigerians pray along till this manifests. There will be a real change in Nigeria;
and I remembered as it were, the Scripture – “And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding” Daniel 2:21. Yet the best change that had ever happened to Nigeria would begin till 2023, a man from the east would bring enormous prosperity and peace. My advice for the east is simple, do not give it away. Enter a pact with the coming bridge builder, he is your BUTLER. Those who continue to oppose the rising Sun would eventually become powerless. Respect and justice will restore peace; In an instance, there was joy and
great relief amongst the people. I saw women, youths everywhere rejoicing to a certain freedom. “People were returning from elsewhere to take their belongings, their right places, there was job opportunities, it was like a new nation with new vacancies” (Prophetic Revelation, Nov 2016).